City of West Sacramento
Home MenuSacramento Fire Academy
The mission of the Sacramento Regional Fire Academy is to train Recruits with the knowledge, skills and physical conditioning necessary to perform basic firefighting, emergency medical and rescue duties, while instilling the values, work habits and discipline expected of a Professional Firefighter.
The Sacramento Regional Fire Academy is a fast-paced, intense and highly disciplined program based on Sacramento Fire Departments Standard Operating Guidelines, the California State Fire Marshal Firefighter I curriculum and CSFM Firefighter II curriculum. The Recruit will receive the technical and manipulative instruction to operate at a Firefighter I level and apprentice at the Firefighter II level during probation. Training is designed to develop the Recruit's ability to function under stress and perform as an effective team member of a fire company.
Honor is the guiding principal of our core values and defines the performance of our duty. Only by remaining vigilant and maintaining a high moral standard are we afforded the public’s trust. It is not the title “Firefighter” which honors us, but we who honor that title.
We accept the danger of our profession and give every effort to succeed in the face of fear, hardship, and threat of death. We are always prepared to protect life, property and the environment. We express moral courage even in the most difficult times. We never quit.
Devotion to Duty
We show respect to the fire service, the department, the city, the fallen and each other by selflessly giving our best. We strive to serve with skill and confidence instilled by our training. We seek responsibility in the improvement of our service and our community.